"Houdini, love, you don't know what you're running away from" - Arctic Monkeys

As you might have noticed, I haven't been posting regularly lately. I guess we can attribute that to the fact that although my French course is over, I have been focusing in a Genomics online course, reading some books I had meant to read a long time ago and working out. I excuse myself, but I will continue posting here as long as I've got something to talk about. Hooray!
And now, to the subject of the post. Today I am going to talk about one of the most mysterious figures to ever walk the face of the Earth. Whether his mystery is solved or not, remains unknown. He was both the most incredible illusionist to exist and the creepiest magician I've ever heard about. Many songs, movies and books have been made about him and his life.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present you